Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 4 Thing #9

Looking for librarian blogs... I'm sure there are many very good blogs. I have read in the past some that are for special libraries that really work for their particular library. I tend to lean toward the people who are on the national leaders list like Doug Johnson, or Stephen Abram.
From Stephen's Lighthouse blog just listed these two links below to lists of things to do with Web 2.0... Kind of fits right in with this class...

July 21, 2008

50 Ways to use Social Media

Jeremiah Owyang has another good post:

50 Ways to use Social Media, listed by Objective

Another good list is from Chris Brogan:

50 Ways Marketers Can use Social Media to Improve Their Marketing

It seems a shame that so many libraries don't engage in enough active listening to their markets of users. The annual (or worse every 5 year) survey just isn't enough anymore, if it ever was.

Next search-- I went to Suprglu and found Infomancy blog which led me to the Fish4Info site. Now this is interesting and I hope to get back to reading more about it. The Fish4Info uses DRupal (which I have heard of and that's it) and a quote from the page says:

1 comment:

Aunt Books said...

Hi Robin,
Boy did you find some good stuff. I like the Fish4Info sit and can't wait to find some time to really explore it. And I rediscovered Will Richardson after reading your blog. Oh, when oh when will I sleep if I keep up with all this?
